4 October 2010

Last word on the New Labour "project"

Frank Furedi writes in Spiked that "Labour is dead". But what he describes is the collapse of the New Labour "project".

That was, very simply, the century-old Fabian or "Progressive" dream of becoming the party OF government. That is, for the party in power to employ so many people, and to make so many others beholden, that whether in office or not, power would continue to reside in the hands of the "progressive" party.

They failed in the States under Woodrow Wilson, and again under Franklin Roosevelt. They failed in Britain under Clement Atlee, again under Harold Wilson and again under the Blair-Brown regime.

It is a corrupt and corrupting idea that has debased everything it encompasses wherever it has been implemented. There are no ends in politics, only means, because the means inevitably become ends in themselves.   

One-party states don't work, guys. Give it up.

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