11 October 2010

Is crime a communicable disease?

Rod Liddle rightly highlights today's Guardian headline, "Black Britons at more risk of jail than black Americans", which draws on the finding of the egregious Equality and Human Rights Commission quango that seven times more black Brits than their proportion of the population are in the slammer, compared to a mere four times their proportion of the population in the USA.

While this has been well known for some time, over the past decade even to comment on it was likely to have adverse legal consequences. I wonder if the report has been an effort by the able head of the EHRC, Trevor Phillips, to force public debate on the subject through the crust of state-enforced denial.

The Labour pukes were appalled when, as head of the Commission for Racial Equality,  Phillips denounced multiculturalism as "sleepwalking to segregation" in 2005. They tried to bury him by melding the CRE into the new EHRC, just as the southern US senators diluted the Civil Rights Act by including women in its provisions.

I don't think the EHCR quango can be abolished without revoking the Equality Acts, but since Phillips is on record denouncing the essential racism of the Labour party, maybe the coalition government can work with him to disentangle the web of deception spun around the issue of equality over the past decade.


  1. I wonder if seven time their proportion of population are living "under the poverty line" (whatever that is). I imagine not.

    I think the attached article means that they are not so much racist as stuck to the old boy's network, which is almost exclusively white. The black candidate does not get picked merely because his/her relations are not in the club and therefore any white candidate, who's father doesn't "go way back", would encounter the same "glass ceilings" as the racial minorities.

  2. Good point. But cronyism/net-working is less important, I think, than the anti-aspirational ethos that is by no means limited to inner-city young blacks. The official "poverty line" is 60% of average earnings, which means that even if everybody had a house, car and all the rest, 40% of the population would still be considered "poor".

  3. There is a significant crime culture amongst black 'communities', just as there is an extremist religious culture amongst Islamic communities. Irish working class? These are the elephants in the room which no one can comment on - except perhaps for the Irish one. But of course, Multi-Culti thought always blackens
    white people and white-outs others!

  4. It goes way back. Back in the 1970s it was not done, old chap, to mention that the Irish in England committed a disproportionate number of GBH(grievous bodily harm)and other violent acts, usually while drunk.
