9 October 2010

Biased BBC

Have just added this blog (link here) to the Soothscribe Laureates - it is not always well written, but the content is the single most important archive of the fons et origo of the widely metastasised cultural cancer that has eaten away everything that used to be admirable about England. The following is most of a recent post:
The BBC's news editors probably danced in glee when they decided to run with this story: a bunch of MEPs demanding more action on biodiversity. Two of their favourite causes - worship of the EU and eco-nuttery - combined in one! The ludicrousness of the EU's latest demand for yet more power to combat yet another imaginary set of problems, is, of course, totally lost on them. Breathlessly, the feature reports that these over-paid, mainly useless MEPs include in their aims:

". . . eliminating subsidies harmful to biodiversity; zero net deforestation; the end of destructive fishing practices; and preventing the extinction of known threatened species".

That will be the EU that (for starters) is forcing the spending of trillions of our cash on needless climate change measures, a fraction of which - if used instead to promote sustainable business enterprise - could end help poverty in Africa; the same EU that is so incompetent and corrupt in handling money that its own accounts have not been signed off by accountants for 15 years; it will be the same EU that, through the madness that is the Common Agricultural Policy, forces the adoption of monocultural and rigid farming practices that are the enemy of wildlife; and the same EU that  has bought up and plundered fishing rights off the coast of Africa with zero regard for the needs of Africans.

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