13 September 2010

Mark Serwotka - arsehole of the month

The general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union is opposed to any reduction in public spending. Wow, there's a surprise.

Serwotka was adopted from a Catholic orphanage by a Polish father and a Welsh mother. He started work at sixteen as a benefits clerk, and has never done a day of wealth-generating work in his life. As head of the PCSU, he strongly supported George "Cat-Suit" Galloway's hilariously misnamed Respect party.
But the biggest lie has yet to be fully revealed: the belief that unprecedented cuts are necessary – a consensus that spread across the political parties before the last election and is echoed daily in the media. This barrage of cuts propaganda has disabled any critical thought. Cuts, large scale public sector cuts, have become the accepted wisdom of our age. But this is not wisdom, it is dogma.
So, since everyone else is wrong, what is Serwotka's answer to the structural deficit and looming debt crisis? Why, create more public sector jobs, of course. Nothing dogmatic or self-interested about that, is there?
This coalition government is hell-bent on cuts, because it is ideologically opposed to the collective security of public services and the welfare state, the remnants of the post-war consensus, which have been systematically attacked for the last 30 years.
In fact ever since the Labour administration of Jim Callaghan had to go cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund because its trade union supporters would not permit it to tackle the structural deficit the last time it blossomed into a debt crisis that undermined the government's continuing ability to borrow.
As trade union members from across all sectors of society and industry gather in Manchester this week there will be unity, because we know who the enemy is – not other workers, but this government of the super-rich, by the super-rich and for the super-rich.
So, the "accepted wisdom of our age" is plutocratic? What planet does this idiot inhabit?

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