24 September 2010

Bonfire of the quangos?

Today's Telegraph publishes a list from a leaked document of 177 quangos to be abolished, 4 to be privatised, 129 that may be consolidated down to 57, and 94 still under review. The article says 350 will be retained, but only 25 appear in the linked article.

"Yet again we see this Tory Government, and its Lib Dem cheerleaders, playing politics with people's jobs", said a Labourite spokesman. "Briefing the media ahead of any consultation or thought for those involved is not the sign of a government that has any idea what the word fairness means."

Biased BBC reports the usual even-handed reporting by the Bitchy Boys.

Assuming the list reflects intentions, that still leaves the great majority of those nests of parasitic lowmids untouched, and most of those whose sinecures are abolished will drag their resentful arses to other jobs in the state sector, where they will actively work against the Coalition government.

If you're going to cut, cut them all and cut them loose - trimming will not get the job done.

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