18 August 2010

Seumas Milne - arsehole of the week

Possibly the most ignorant article yet on CiF: "The transformation of Latin America is a global advance" by a Guardian journopuke called Seumas Milne.

Dear God - where to begin?  Well, the beginning is really the end:
Nearly two centuries after it won nominal independence and Washington declared it a backyard, Latin America is standing up. The tide of progressive change that has swept the continent for the past decade has brought to power a string of social democratic and radical socialist governments that have attacked social and racial privilege, rejected neoliberal orthodoxy and challenged imperial domination of the region.
Are these Guardinistas so shameless that they do not even care that anyone who knows anything about Latin America is laughing at them?

Yeah, I guess that's exactly what they are. It's all just a Brit lefty circle-jerk.


  1. Ah yes, the same Seamus Milne who argued that Communism "helped to drive up welfare standards in the west, boosted the anticolonial movement and provided a powerful counterweight to western global domination", and that "Iran and its allies offer the only effective challenge to US domination of the Middle East and its resources".

    The Guardianistas see Latin America as the remaining region of the world onto which they can project their Che Guevara fantasies.

  2. LOL. Hadn't come across the twit before. I guess he aspires to be the new John Pilger, who seemed to have a text generator into which he simply fed a few key words.
