5 August 2010


Almost nothing in the UK press about JournOlist, the US members-only Google forum of  "several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics", who used it to synchronize efforts to harm anyone who dared to point out that The One was less than perfect.

The forum was closed down in June, but the Daily Caller uncovered some of the content a fortnight ago (here and here). Jay Nordlinger has an article in the NRO that covers the ground, although he rather tweely refuses to name names; presumably to make a point about the gutter tactics of the Journolist crew.
I was reminded why I left the Left so long ago: the group-think; the political correctness; the scorn for ordinary people; the dehumanizing of political opponents. Lord knows, there are jerks on the right - I think I have interacted with all of them, although there must be some I have missed. I don’t say the conservatives are angels; I know them too well for that.

But, you know? As a rule, the jerks on the right are jerk-like in their own ways - kind of like Tolstoy’s unhappy families. If you’re going to be a jerk, be an individual, for heaven’s sake. At least that’s what I think. I need to check with my brethren on what the line is . . .
No big deal, said some of those who were stupid enough to believe that something put on-line could remain confidential. Actually, it is - but only if you believe there should be clear water between journalism and political propaganda. The left has never thought there should be, ergo no harm done say the lefty journopukes.

Not particularly surprising that the issue has found no resonance in Britain: all the lefties over here are so mentally programmed that they do not need a forum to synchronize their agitprop.

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