7 August 2010

Andy Beckett - arsehole of the week

"Why David Cameron is the new Dubya", yesterday's offering in CiF by left-wing journopuke Andy Beckett, hardly seemed worth spearing at first skimming, but on for some reason it popped up as unread in my Google Reader today and I took another look at it. I have highlighted the more egregious stupidities in the following:
Once in government, Cameron, like Bush, has exceeded the electorate's instructions [1]. The cautious, inclusive, compassionate conservative has turned into a divisive right-wing radical [2]. Both men have used national emergencies as political cover. For Bush, it was 9/11 that justified his huge, reckless neocon experiment. For Cameron, the emergency, more contrived [3], has been the double one of a hung parliament and a large national deficit – neither of them remotely unprecedented, but scary enough, in a Britain recently grown accustomed to political and economic stability [4], to make a shrinking of state spending [5] drastic enough to satisfy the zaniest of 80s Thatcherites look like common sense, for the time being, to an impressive 55% of voters.
  1. Electorates cannot give "instructions" - they can only give mandates and hope for the best.
  2. Does anyone think it remotely likely that a coalition government including the Labour-lite wing of the Liberal Democrats could pursue "a divisive right-wing radical" agenda?
  3. How did Cameron "contrive" a hung parliament and one of the largest structural deficits in the world?
  4. There is nothing "recent" about political stability in Britain; an ability to cope with quite drastic change without popular upheaval has long been a feature of the society; and apparent economic stability bought with borrowed money simply postpones, and exacerbates, the inevitable day of reckoning.
  5. The principal reason why a majority of voters support a drastic shrinking of the state is because the alternative is a huge increase in taxation on those who actually produce wealth in order to subsidize those who do not; and the reason why few other than state employees are protesting the slimming of government is because under NuLabour the state had become bloated and arrogantly intrusive. 


  1. But, but, but, woon't it be better if we were more Eurofried ? Like, woon't France and Germany help to pay the freight? Like they did with Eire and Portugal and and and? I mean why do we have to pay for it? I mean, is it OUR bill that we have to pay?

  2. Lying by innuendo or implication is not a sin peculiar to one party, but this confabulation is sufficient almost to guarantee a revisit from Henry II's four knights to rid us of Mr.Beckett.
    1. The Electorate does not 'instruct.'
    2. The Emergency is not 'contrived.'
    3. The Stability was false.
    4. The shrinking of state spending? You don't throw money you don't have at problems you can't solve - unless you are the Labour Party. What a misnomer!

  3. It's what arseholes produce - they can do no other.
