Those few journopukes not given over to voyeurism and gossip have latched on to the concept of "crony capitalism", blithely ignoring the fact that such is the basis of Corporativism (see here and here), which is the founding and guiding principle of the European Union.
This is not an opinion - it is a stone cold fact, readily ascertainable even on-line.
Likewise the current hoo-ha about the judges creating a ridiculous law of privacy is the inevitable consequence of adopting continental Statute Law, with the consequent (and entirely deliberate) erosion of liberties that were secured by Common Law.
The MSM is in the business of telling people what they want to hear and one must presume they are good at it. It follows that what people want to hear is salacious trivia and ill-informed commentary that does not demand intellectual effort.
Hence my sabbatical. What's the point of having the intelligence, learning and life experience to understand what's going on when people feel safe in their profound ignorance and resent any effort to change what they call their minds?
25 May 2011
24 May 2011
Over and out
Coincident with my conclusion that I have already committed my best to this web-log and that it would be self-indulgent simply to recycle the same views, comments and criticisms, I am also going to be very busy for the next several months leading tours and finishing my book on Hawkins, Drake & Co.
Accordingly take this opportunity to say au revoir and to wish you all the best as you struggle with the over-mighty, corrupt, incompetent and mostly unelected mediocrities who rule over you.
For as long as the MSM focuses popular attention on elected politicians, the parasitic apparatchiki will continue to feather their nests and run their societies entirely to their own satisfaction. Anyone who has not worked that out is indifferent to the point of intellectual coma and does not interest me.
And you, who know that we are administered, not governed, by a bureauratic oligarchy whose personal and collective interests are inimical to free, healthy and hopeful societies, don't need me to harp on about something that is as universal as it seems to be impervious to reform of any kind. I have a T-shirt that says it all:
Accordingly take this opportunity to say au revoir and to wish you all the best as you struggle with the over-mighty, corrupt, incompetent and mostly unelected mediocrities who rule over you.
For as long as the MSM focuses popular attention on elected politicians, the parasitic apparatchiki will continue to feather their nests and run their societies entirely to their own satisfaction. Anyone who has not worked that out is indifferent to the point of intellectual coma and does not interest me.
And you, who know that we are administered, not governed, by a bureauratic oligarchy whose personal and collective interests are inimical to free, healthy and hopeful societies, don't need me to harp on about something that is as universal as it seems to be impervious to reform of any kind. I have a T-shirt that says it all:
13 May 2011
On the road again
Tomorrow early, to guide a tour of (most of) the battlefields where the British Battalion fought in the Spanish Civil War. Seeing where they fought, badly trained, ill-equipped and more often than not horrendously badly led, one can only feel sorrow that the cause they believed in so passionately turned out to be as bad as the one they fought against.
Members of the "Tom Mann Centuria", the first organized group of British volunteers, in Barcelona, September 1936.
Left to right Sid Avner (killed 20 December 1936 at Boadilla serving with the Thaelmann Battalion), Nat Cohen and his future wife Ramona, CPGB organizer Tom Wintringham (wounded twice but survived), Italian journalist George Tioli, Aussie Jack Barry (killed 19 December 1936 at Boadilla serving with the Commune de Paris Battalion) and David Marshall (wounded with the Thaelmann on 12 November 1936, repatriated).
Members of the "Tom Mann Centuria", the first organized group of British volunteers, in Barcelona, September 1936.
Left to right Sid Avner (killed 20 December 1936 at Boadilla serving with the Thaelmann Battalion), Nat Cohen and his future wife Ramona, CPGB organizer Tom Wintringham (wounded twice but survived), Italian journalist George Tioli, Aussie Jack Barry (killed 19 December 1936 at Boadilla serving with the Commune de Paris Battalion) and David Marshall (wounded with the Thaelmann on 12 November 1936, repatriated).
11 May 2011
From their own mouths . . .
The Independent has an A to Z of the Coalition's first year in office that kicks off with two statements it obviously thinks show the Tories in a bad light, but with which any thinking person can only agree:
* Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
A is for Arts, which the Liberal Democrats mostly like but the Tories don't, because they see them as being devised by, and for the enjoyment of, a predominantly left-wing, anti-government bunch of agitprop merchants, gays, chatterers and subversives who shouldn't be subsidised by public money. Hence, a big cut in Arts Council – how they hate those two words – funding, and the abolition of the Film Council.Works for me. Then there's the Bitchy Boys:
B is for BBC, another nest of Communists and self-regarding, lefty tossers, who pay themselves too much from the licence-payers' money, almost five times as much as the Prime Minister in the case of the director-general. Well, they've had a big reminder that they are state broadcasters with a five-year freeze on the licence fee, forcing cuts in salaries and expenses, and programmes too, opening the door for, ahem, Sky (see M).Sky gives the people what they want, hot and strong; it's called democracy.* Surely a leftist publication can have no trouble with that - can it? Or is it just a drip-pan for the ejaculatii praecox of lowmid lefties smugly trusting in themselves that they are righteous and despising - in particular - the low-brow tastes of the common people?
* Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
Sólo en Inglaterra - postscript
Big Brother Watch has published a comprehensive report on the Coalition's progress in dismantling the police state it inherited from the NuLabour slime that amounts to an A-.
Clearly my last post on the subject was OTT with reference to the Coalition and I grovel; to the LibDems, not to the Tories, who do not give a shit about civil liberties.
But why don't they give a shit about civil liberties? Quite simple - they are very low on the British electorate's list of nimby priorities, and the Tories have never stood for anything except getting and staying in power.
Clearly my last post on the subject was OTT with reference to the Coalition and I grovel; to the LibDems, not to the Tories, who do not give a shit about civil liberties.
But why don't they give a shit about civil liberties? Quite simple - they are very low on the British electorate's list of nimby priorities, and the Tories have never stood for anything except getting and staying in power.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are chicken-shit.
Thomas Sowell - quote for today
The fatal attraction of government is that it allows busybodies to impose decisions on others without paying any price themselves. That enables them to act as if there were no price, even when there are ruinous prices - paid by others.
Thomas Sowell (b. 1930), Professor Emeritus of Economics, Stanford University
The "End of History" intellectual carpet-bagger has a piece in the NYT in which he pontificates about Hayek, having apparently only just read The Constitution of Liberty. His conclusion:
headline-grabber political "scientist" blithely blunders. Hayek wrote that statist planners are certain to fail because their self interest makes their understanding of the needs of the people they seek to govern even more imperfect than the collective (but also imperfect) knowledge that the people have themselves.
Furthermore, Hayek argued, governments do not proceed by trial and error the way that individuals do because of institutional arrogance and the ability to use force to enforce conformity. It is precisely because governments are so resistant to "empirical adaptation" that the growth in their power leads to serfdom - as, indeed, it clearly has in Britain.
Having trimmed his sails to the Neo-Con breeze back in 1992, in recent years Fukuyama has smartly tacked to go with what he perceives to be a new statist tide. He has the intellectual integrity of a tape-worm.
In the end, there is a deep contradiction in Hayek’s thought. His great insight is that individual human beings muddle along, making progress by planning, experimenting, trying, failing and trying again. They never have as much clarity about the future as they think they do. But Hayek somehow knows with great certainty that when governments, as opposed to individuals, engage in a similar process of innovation and discovery, they will fail. He insists that the dividing line between state and society must be drawn according to a strict abstract principle rather than through empirical adaptation. In so doing, he proves himself to be far more of a hubristic Cartesian than a true Hayekian.Angels fear to tread wherein this trivial American
Furthermore, Hayek argued, governments do not proceed by trial and error the way that individuals do because of institutional arrogance and the ability to use force to enforce conformity. It is precisely because governments are so resistant to "empirical adaptation" that the growth in their power leads to serfdom - as, indeed, it clearly has in Britain.
Having trimmed his sails to the Neo-Con breeze back in 1992, in recent years Fukuyama has smartly tacked to go with what he perceives to be a new statist tide. He has the intellectual integrity of a tape-worm.
10 May 2011
EU again: you couldn't make it up
This is the EU
His name is Štefan Füle.
The EU flag ceremony: Friedrich Karno's army
On You Tube Nigel Farage does the requisite number on the ceremony to celebrate the adoption of the EU flag and anthem.
Dear God, what a pathetic farce!
Orphans of Liberty
A big welcome to this new site. I've put it on my RSS and hope it will eventually subsume a number of like-minded bloggers in addition to the estimable Anna Raccoon and the eloquent Autonomous Mind.
Not for me, though. I'd just lower the tone. ;-)
Not for me, though. I'd just lower the tone. ;-)
Why "progressive education" is an oxymoron
"Make men wise, and by that very operation you make them free. Civil liberty follows as a consequence of this;
no usurped power can stand against the artillery of [informed] opinion."
William Godwin (1756-1836)
no usurped power can stand against the artillery of [informed] opinion."
William Godwin (1756-1836)
Boy Wonder growing up fast
An unlikely source, but the Sun has an interview with Cameron that - if he holds to the views expressed - will mark him as the most self-confident PM in recent history.
"I'm not a great believer in endlessly moving people between different jobs", he said. "I like to think I have put in a good team of Conservative and Liberal Democrats and they've a lot of work to do."
He contrasted this with the ceaseless reshuffling under Blair and Brown. "We had 12 Energy Ministers in nine years. And the Tourism Minister changed more often than people got off planes at Heathrow. It was hopeless. I think you've got to try to appoint good people and keep them."
Security of tenure permits ministers to learn how to get their officials to do what they are told - but it also permits rivals to build up their individual standing in the public eye.
That's the reason the insecure toad Brown, in particular, played ministerial musical chairs right up to the moment when the corrupt NuLabour Titanic finally slipped beneath waves polluted with the debris of a destroyed economy and a poisoned culture.
Since the buck stops at Number 10, it takes a very self-confident PM to accept that his ministers will fuck up from time to time as they learn their jobs, and to trust that they will fuck up less as time goes by.
Gah! - don't'cha just hate it when events erode your pristine prejudices?
"I'm not a great believer in endlessly moving people between different jobs", he said. "I like to think I have put in a good team of Conservative and Liberal Democrats and they've a lot of work to do."
He contrasted this with the ceaseless reshuffling under Blair and Brown. "We had 12 Energy Ministers in nine years. And the Tourism Minister changed more often than people got off planes at Heathrow. It was hopeless. I think you've got to try to appoint good people and keep them."
Security of tenure permits ministers to learn how to get their officials to do what they are told - but it also permits rivals to build up their individual standing in the public eye.
That's the reason the insecure toad Brown, in particular, played ministerial musical chairs right up to the moment when the corrupt NuLabour Titanic finally slipped beneath waves polluted with the debris of a destroyed economy and a poisoned culture.
Since the buck stops at Number 10, it takes a very self-confident PM to accept that his ministers will fuck up from time to time as they learn their jobs, and to trust that they will fuck up less as time goes by.
Gah! - don't'cha just hate it when events erode your pristine prejudices?
Exposing ministerial spitefulness is bad
Says the Press Complaints Commission of the Daily Telegraph sting that caused the wanker Business Secretary Vince Cable to be stripped of his authority to oversee Rupert Murdoch's bid for BSkyB and other media takeovers.
In a typically British whinge, the PCC is compelled to admit that Cable's vicious bias against Murdoch was indeed a matter of public interest, but deplores (and intends to prevent in future) the manner in which it was done, echoing Sir Mucho Pomposo (aka Commons Leader Sir George Young) who said undercover methods "undermined democracy".
Journalistic subterfuge may indeed undermine the little moral authority still enjoyed by the mutually masturbating mediocrities who infest the House of Commons but it is they, not the journopukes, who undermine democracy by their chronic cheating and lying and contempt for the wishes of the people who elect them.
In a typically British whinge, the PCC is compelled to admit that Cable's vicious bias against Murdoch was indeed a matter of public interest, but deplores (and intends to prevent in future) the manner in which it was done, echoing Sir Mucho Pomposo (aka Commons Leader Sir George Young) who said undercover methods "undermined democracy".
Journalistic subterfuge may indeed undermine the little moral authority still enjoyed by the mutually masturbating mediocrities who infest the House of Commons but it is they, not the journopukes, who undermine democracy by their chronic cheating and lying and contempt for the wishes of the people who elect them.
9 May 2011
Shale gas
I'd pretty much given up blogging about the mass hysteria previously known as anthropogenic global warming (AGW) on the grounds that those who able to think for themselves already know it's bull-shit and the rest are simply frightened lowmids being herded by cynical political and commercial opportunists.
It's a religion, stupid - or a stupid religion, take your pick - that has rushed into the vacuum created when the Moscow Caliphate collapsed and therefore as impervious to reason or factual refutation as any other superstition. It is also the enshrinement of nimbyism and fear of the yellow/brown/black peril as the world's poor claim their piece of the pie and become emancipated from shackling Western aid.
However - Soothscribe Matt Ridley, echoed by Soothscribe Christopher Booker, have lately published articles so persuasive about the abundance and ubiquity of shale gas that I think I will re-engage with the topic, not to comment further on the soaring number of practical and properly scientific refutations of the whole AGW scam, but to clock the slimy wriggling of the EU and British AGW advocates like the snerge Huhne who have gone so far out on a limb that it seems impossible for them to crawl back.
On the other hand, given the functional illiteracy deliberately created by "progressive" education, I don't suppose it will affect what passes for politics in the West in general and Britain in particular. People will continue to vote for what they perceive to be their own interest, and AGW is simply the one of the poison suppositories vaselined with subsidies that a people without virtue will continue to shove up their own arses.
It's a religion, stupid - or a stupid religion, take your pick - that has rushed into the vacuum created when the Moscow Caliphate collapsed and therefore as impervious to reason or factual refutation as any other superstition. It is also the enshrinement of nimbyism and fear of the yellow/brown/black peril as the world's poor claim their piece of the pie and become emancipated from shackling Western aid.
However - Soothscribe Matt Ridley, echoed by Soothscribe Christopher Booker, have lately published articles so persuasive about the abundance and ubiquity of shale gas that I think I will re-engage with the topic, not to comment further on the soaring number of practical and properly scientific refutations of the whole AGW scam, but to clock the slimy wriggling of the EU and British AGW advocates like the snerge Huhne who have gone so far out on a limb that it seems impossible for them to crawl back.
On the other hand, given the functional illiteracy deliberately created by "progressive" education, I don't suppose it will affect what passes for politics in the West in general and Britain in particular. People will continue to vote for what they perceive to be their own interest, and AGW is simply the one of the poison suppositories vaselined with subsidies that a people without virtue will continue to shove up their own arses.
Judge David Eady - wanker

Worth reading the convoluted reasoning this bewigged buffoon employed to issue a super-injunction AGAINST THE WORLD.
It is no doubt simply an unfortunate coincidence that his single-handed creation of a right of privacy seems to favour only the immensely rich.
Far be it from me to suggest that one of Her Majesty's senior justices could possibly be a corrupt son-of-a-bitch, but on the Caesar's Wife principle I think he should make public his personal finances.
7 May 2011
Patriotic Retirement Plan
Pay everybody over 50 a lump sum of £1 million each for early retirement with the following stipulations:
The elderly would have:
- They MUST retire - ten million job openings - unemployment fixed
- They MUST buy a new British car - ten million cars ordered - car industry revitalized
- They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - mortgage/banking crisis fixed
- They MUST send their offspring to private school/college/university - education and crime fixed
- They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week - and there's your money back in duty/tax etc
The elderly would have:
- Private, secure rooms with cable TV, outdoor yards and gardens fenced off from feral youths
- Free heating, hot water, meals with room service, laundry service and convenient medical and dental services
- Constant video monitoring would ensure instant help if they fell, or needed other assistance
- A warden required by law to check on them regularly and to adhere to a strict code of conduct
- Family visits in a purpose-built suite, supervised libraries, gyms, swimming pool, spiritual counselling and adult education
- Tiny rooms, with limited "personal touches" allowed
- Live in fear of other criminals without hope of any help from the authorities
- Eat cat food, limited heating and light
- Grudging supervision by unaccountable social workers
- Be regarded as "useless mouths" by the Welfare State and treated accordingly
Male lesbians
Some of the most testosterone-laden, fuck-a-rockpile-in-case-there's-a snake-underneath, hard-core fighting men I've known have been homosexual. "Butch" does not even begin to describe them.
Likewise I've known a number of "Fems", some as exaggerated in their femininity as the big-balls-that-clang brigade are in their masculinity; but in their way even braver, given that it is such as they who are victimised.
Which is why I resist the vernacular temptation to equate homosexuality with either moral or physical cowardice. I'm bored with their clamour for special privileges, but they are hardly unique in that. Minorities have been - very profitably - playing the victim card for most of my lifetime.
Given that "effeminate" is to some degree contaminated by the historic association with cowardice (ludicrous on its face, given the courage required to bear children - if men had to do it, the species would die out), we need to adopt a new term to describe the sort of bitchy semi-men that give the BBC its distinctive tone.
The recent sexual history of the snerge Chris Huhne, about whom we are soon to learn further details in his ex-wife's memoirs, provides a candidate. Readers may recall that he left his wife for an aide who was herself in civil union with another woman. I have a suspicion that it was her "butch" characteristics that attracted Huhne, which would make him a male lesbian, a glorified dildo.
Seems about right. There's a lot of them around.
6 May 2011
On torture - again
The tide of bull-shit about how torture helped to send OBL belatedly to hell has risen to the nostril level. I have expressed the view from the other end of the electrodes previously, and also questioned its practical usefulness, but both bear repeating.
Matthew Alexander, a former senior military interrogator who conducted or supervised more than 1,300 interrogations in Iraq, writes eloquently on how unnecessary and even counter-productive it is in Foreign Policy. As he says, the US oath of allegiance says "Liberty and justice for all", not "liberty and security for all".
Actually, since well before the twin towers went down, the operative concept has been "such liberty as shall be judged compatible with security for all", which is of course no liberty at all.
I was myself tortured once, happily by a sadist who only wanted to hear me scream and who quit after he felt I was sufficiently humiliated. But while I was hooked up to the "talking machine" I would have told him anything he wanted to stop him turning that damned hand-crank.
He made a serious error in letting me go, as I was working for some very powerful people and not long afterwards learned that he had suffered a fatal accident. I am in no doubt that prompt revenge spared me the worst aspects of PTSD and I empathize fully with the celebrations of those who lost friends and family on 9/11 upon learning that OBL had been erased.
Revenge is good. It's healthy. Condign punishment helps victims heal and, frankly, who gives a shit about the predators. If they can't do the time then they should not have done the crime.
But real torture (as in causing physical agony - not the mental coercion that limp lefties seem to think is equivalent) corrupts the torturers and the system that employs it.
Matthew Alexander, a former senior military interrogator who conducted or supervised more than 1,300 interrogations in Iraq, writes eloquently on how unnecessary and even counter-productive it is in Foreign Policy. As he says, the US oath of allegiance says "Liberty and justice for all", not "liberty and security for all".
Actually, since well before the twin towers went down, the operative concept has been "such liberty as shall be judged compatible with security for all", which is of course no liberty at all.
I was myself tortured once, happily by a sadist who only wanted to hear me scream and who quit after he felt I was sufficiently humiliated. But while I was hooked up to the "talking machine" I would have told him anything he wanted to stop him turning that damned hand-crank.
He made a serious error in letting me go, as I was working for some very powerful people and not long afterwards learned that he had suffered a fatal accident. I am in no doubt that prompt revenge spared me the worst aspects of PTSD and I empathize fully with the celebrations of those who lost friends and family on 9/11 upon learning that OBL had been erased.
Revenge is good. It's healthy. Condign punishment helps victims heal and, frankly, who gives a shit about the predators. If they can't do the time then they should not have done the crime.
But real torture (as in causing physical agony - not the mental coercion that limp lefties seem to think is equivalent) corrupts the torturers and the system that employs it.
5 May 2011
Professor Richard 'Ned' Holmes, 29 March 1946 - 30 April 2011
His life was gentle, and the elements
So mixed in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, 'This was a man!'
4 May 2011
Sólo en Inglaterra
Jesus wept. And so should any decent human being to read one more egregious example of the police state created by NuLabour and very carefully NOT dismantled by a coalition containing the supposedly civil libertarian LibDems.
Mrs McIntosh (76) and her 46 year-old daughter were ARRESTED for feeding pigeons in their own back yard. We have empowered the nosy neighbours, the kill-joys, the whiners and the oi no moi roights brigade at the direct expense of common sense, and we are deservedly regarded with contempt by the rest of the world as well as by a large proportion of our own population.
Britishness? The right to make everybody else as miserable as you are. The Big (pile of shit) Society, with history's hand hovering over the lever to flush it away for the betterment of humanity.
Mrs McIntosh (76) and her 46 year-old daughter were ARRESTED for feeding pigeons in their own back yard. We have empowered the nosy neighbours, the kill-joys, the whiners and the oi no moi roights brigade at the direct expense of common sense, and we are deservedly regarded with contempt by the rest of the world as well as by a large proportion of our own population.
Britishness? The right to make everybody else as miserable as you are. The Big (pile of shit) Society, with history's hand hovering over the lever to flush it away for the betterment of humanity.
Bin Laden: How not to flush a turd
Sigh. That's not how it's done, guys. Beautiful op, as one would expect from ST 6, although I imagine the pilot who stalled the Blackhawk must wish he had died.
But, dear God. Did you learn nothing from your Argentine chums back in the late 70s and early 80s when they dismantled the most serious insurgency in Latin America in their own country, and then came up to Central America at your invitation for an encore?
You DISAPPEAR the mother-fucker. Whether he's killed or captured alive, you leave his followers to panic that you've got him and are introducing him to the old telephone hand-crank and the wet or dry submarine.
Everybody scurries to new hide-outs, tested comms procedures are abandoned, people shed good false identities and scramble to create new cover. And you watch them run, record their conversations and follow the ones you can.
That way you not only maximise the disruption to the terrorist organization, but you can scoop up a whole bunch more people for meaningful chats and seize a lot of electronic and written documentation because people running and looking over their shoulders for helicopters coming for them tend not to cover their tracks too well.
But hey - what's all that compared to getting thousands of yahoos to chant YOU ESS AY and wave the good ol' stars and stripes?
Maybe the US administration figured they could not possibly keep it a secret for long, but they should at least have tried to maximise the operational as opposed to PR value of the coup.
Arsehole of the wedding: Dominic Lawson
1 May ex Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Welwyn Garden City
Got my laptop into hospital with me to catch up on some close-deadline writing, but simply have to take a break to elect Lawson, whom I previously considered an anodyne gossip, to join the Culi Emeritus Causa on the basis of his leading article in today's Sunday Times. God knows when I’ll be able to post it, as of course there’s no wif-fi and I gave up my dongle a while back - but no worries: the kind of crap that gets you elected to the Culi is timeless.
Excluding Blair and Brown from the guest list was “the great blunder in an otherwise brilliantly conceived piece of national pageantry”. Thus Lawson in a rash effort to transcend the drivelling trivia which is all nature and nurture have equipped him to handle.
The reasons, he says, are obvious: Brown was excluded because he pulled the funding from the Royal Yacht Britannia, and Blair because he banned fox-hunting and Camilla was an “enthusiastic and intrepid foxhunter”.
Well now: let’s take those claims at face value and see where it gets us. The second hinges on Lawson’s claim to insider knowledge that William gave his stepmother a “red pencil” to the guest list, and that she indulged it to vent personal spite. Yeah, right. That’s called projection, telling us a great deal more about the person making the allegation than about the target of the smear.
As to the Britannia, she was very old and had reached the end of her useful service life. No question of replacing her, no matter what government was in power, because it would just give ammunition to the mean-spirited mediocrities of the MSM, and to the envy-rotted, subsidy-addicted and ferociously anti-aspirational sub-humans who give modern Britain its distinctive odour of social decomp.
Now let’s consider the very real insults offered the Royal Family by the leading NuLabour duo. Blair shamelessly cashed in on the death of William’s mother, and went on to pose as the “saviour of the monarchy” by forcing the Queen to respond to an episode of revolting mass hysteria that represented the antithesis of monarchy and, indeed, of basic human decency.
Brown excluded the Queen from the last commemoration of D-Day in a desperate attempt to maximise face-time with The One, apparently ignorant or indifferent to the rigid protocol that consigns prime ministers to the second rank. Also indifferent to the fact that the Queen would have been the only national figure present who had served in their country’s armed forces during the war, and that half of those who landed at D-Day honoured her father as their sovereign.
President Obama not only insisted on the Queen being personally represented – which she was, by the hapless Charles – but both on that occasion and subsequently he brutally snubbed the toad Brown.
So, a pair of shabby Labourite chancers have been given a small taste of the deep contempt in which they are deservedly held by the Royal Family. And Dominic Lawson does not understand it at all, because he dare not get his head out of his arse, fearing the fresh air would kill him.
Amazingly, there are still people in England who believe that there are some things you simply do not do – not because there is a law against it or because of (today non-existent) peer pressure, but because such acts would rob them of their self-respect.
Scum like Blair and Brown – and by extension the gossipmonger Lawson – cannot comprehend a concept so alien to their squalid natures.
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