28 February 2010

Let's skip the Heath interlude

Yeah, I know I've used it before; but it deserves another outing in the light of today's news that Cameron has led his party to near-parity in popular esteem with the human rejects clustered around the psycho Cyclops.

Those of us who recall the 60s and 70s have been suffering badly from déja vu for the last decade:
  1. Basic odiousness of the Tory capons becomes ever more apparent;
  2. Meddlesome low-mids come to power amid hosannas from the self-annointed;
  3. Meddlesome low-mids fuck it up royally;
  4. Tory capons win a narrow majority under a pompous prat;
  5. Tory capons impersonate cocks amid general derision;
  6. Meddlesome low-mids come back and fuck up what they did not fuck up previously;
  7. Stagflation; runs on the pound; call in the IMF;
  8. Attempts to cut back the bloated public sector fail;
  9. Capons choose a dominant hen to lead them to victory;
  10. Wrenching period of adjustment;
  11. Economy recovers and becomes among the most competitive in the world;
  12. General prosperity;
  13. Capons depose the hen and elect one of their own;
  14. Return to 'basic odiousness' and repeat.
So, this time around let's skip the Heath interlude. The Gadarene swine need to run off a cliff.

26 February 2010

DNA: not the evidenciary gold standard after all

This article from Washington Monthly about demonstrated flaws in DNA 'finger printing' is extremely chilling in the light of the sinister emphasis placed upon it by the British police

I curse the fact that I dropped out of an undergraduate course on statistical method. Like any half-way sentient person, I know that the aphorism about lies, damned lies and statistics applies across the board to any statement emerging from the Apparat.

But I lack the mathematical skill to attack the third and most pernicious form of deceit with which the pullulating parasitocracy seeks to justify its existence and to grow ever more intrusive.

Auschwitz next

A report that whales are wonderful carbon-capturing devices and that killing them contributes to global warming is so OTT that one would have thought even the Bitchy Boys Club would not give it traction. Not so - anything, no matter how morally abject, is grist to their mill.

What's left? Condemning the Nazis for contributing to global warming by incinerating all those carbon-capturing Jews?

24 February 2010

No depths they will not plumb

The Guardian reports belated attention being paid to the seemingly child-targeted propaganda about global warming that the Department of Energy and Climate Change has inflicted on TV viewers since last October, spending £6 million of our money at a time of staggering fiscal deficits crisis to propagate the big lie.

The nauseating trailer is here.

Why 'seemingly'? Because the target is the parents, and the deeply cynical ads seek to make them feel guilty about not supporting policies that will, without any doubt whatever, impoverish their children for the exclusive benefit of national and international bureaucratic pod-people.

23 February 2010

How Earth Made Us

The Bitchy Boys Club surpassed itself this evening. BBC 2 broadcast the above-titled programme featuring a geologist called Iain Stewart (with the irritating habit of pronouncing 'us' as uzz), who started reasonably but then recited every lie in the global warming scam handbook.

Among them, once again (see 'No matter what it is' below), the scientific tautology of warming seas absorbing more carbon dioxide. Glaciers calving, something I believe has been going on for quite a few hundreds of thousands of years, were repeatedly used to dramatise man's rape of Mother Earth.

Possibly reflecting his hopes for future funding, Stewart also made a pitch for artificial trees (WTF is wrong with the leafy variety?), but really went for it on carbon capture, speaking reverently of an absurd bunker where carbon is to be stored as if it were nuclear waste.

I very, very deeply resent that any of my money is going to pay for this kind of plainly ideological indoctrination. To paraphrase Queen Elizabeth I at Tilbury, 'I think foul scorn of these shameless opportunists selling fear in the guise of science.'

Scroom all.


Why do the Brits prefer the mumsy word 'bullying' to 'intimidation', 'abuse of authority', 'victimization', 'threatening behaviour', etc.?

And why should it be considered remarkable that Gordon Brown, after scheming and conniving for so many years to achieve his current eminence, should show the strain of discovering that he is simply not up to the task?

Churchill's ability to stir what De Gaulle called 'the thick British paste' owed much to his intimidation of civil servants. When bureaucrats were seen running in the corridors of the Admiralty in 1939, it was a clear sign that Winston was back.

On the other hand, Churchill did not sack those who stood up to him; indeed, he recognized that his impulsive temperament absolutely required the restraint of having such people around him.

Is it not possible that Brown would have been better served, and we better governed, if he had been checked by officials prepared to tell truth to power, and to restrain the more spiteful and self-defeating aspects of his personality?

I suppose it comes down to this: for all his flaws, Churchill was an admirable man; for whatever virtues he may have, Brown is not. Therefore those around him have not been prepared to risk their careers in order to bring out the best in him.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the man, but I do not find it difficult to understand why he should rage against the silent verdict of his merely obedient officials.

No matter what it is . . .

. . . the answer is man-made global warming.

Read this article and weep for the man's lack of scientific integrity and even intellectual coherence.

One of the cornerstones of the catastrophist scam is that global warming decreases the oceans' ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Furthermore, warm waters encourage the growth of coral reefs, which is why they are concentrated in the tropics. Lastly, algae love soupy water.

So, Dr Jacob Silverman of the Carnegie Institute in Washington, why don't you just go away and play with yourself in private?

The Self-Annointed

We all know how pointless it is to argue with self-proclaimed 'progressives' - their conceit is impenetrable because it is the whole of their being. Although they proclaim the preeminence of reason, they lack a rational core that might be reached by evidence that contradicts their world-view.

In a word, they are stupid. Anyone who surrenders mental autonomy probably possessed very little intellectual curiosity in the first place. They can only reiterate the few 'certainties' without which life would be intolerable to them.

In a recent City Journal article, Theodore Dalrymple points out that the late John Kenneth Galbraith essentially wrote the same book fifty times, shamelessly recycling the same shallow pool of ideas to become the foremost 'progressive' intellectual of his time.

I don't know why the likes of John Maynard Keynes and Galbraith are referred to as economists: they were philosophers. Any philosophical exegesis must be based on a concept of the nature and purpose of humanity. Theirs was that the undifferentiated mass of humanity needed detailed regulation by a handful of self-selecting superior beings like themselves.

Hello Lenin and, ultimately, hello Plato.

21 February 2010

Quis custodiet . . .

. . . ipsos custodes? Who oversees the overseers? Flawed though it is, the Freedom of Information Act is steadily exposing the cosy corruption of the British establishment. It will come as no surprise that the concept of self-regulation is having the last tatters of credibility torn from it.

The quango set up to ensure value for money at the BBC has spent £3.2 million setting itself up in plush new offices.

The Association of Chief Police Officers has spent £1.6 million intended for counter-terrorism on luxury accommodation for its members.

The next hurdle is getting the elected swine to get their own noses out of the trough long enough to impose meaningful spending limits and sanctions for abuse of authority on the Apparat. Not in my lifetime, I fear.

Is it really the schools?

Quite a good Sunday Times article on British schools by Harriet Sergeant here. I've heard the factoid about 81 percent of 1.7 million new jobs created since 1997 going to foreign workers before, but since most of those jobs were created in a state sector operating a system of positive discrimination in favour of multiculturalism, even if true I doubt that it proves anything.

It is undeniable that British employers have been complaining for decades about the lack of work ethic in Britain, blissfully unaware that the fish rots from the head, and that the blame for chronically poor productivity must rest with their own lazy and incompetent management. The present regime's open-door immigration policy and encouragement of foreign take-overs at least partially betray a politically unconfessable belief that 'British' and 'worker' are antonyms.

It is more likely that the schools reflect rather than fashion British attitudes towards work. The culture of levelling envy and sullen under-achievement has very deep roots indeed, and it seems to me improbable that trimming the educational foliage will alter the nature of the tree.

It would be interesting to conduct a multi-generational study of, say, the upwardly mobile non-Muslim immigrants from the sub-continent. The form book says that the first generation works its ass off to boost the second generation, but by the third generation the imported momentum is attenuated and the assimilated culture comes to predominate.

My bet is that such a study would find that many members of the third, thoroughly British generation will be a great disappointment to their parents and grandparents.

The price of cowardice

Cameron's ratings began to slump after he chickened out of his promise to hold a referendum on the surrender of sovereignty embodied in the Lisbon Treaty.

Conversely, Brown's have risen as he has plodded on, shoulders hunched, into the greatest shit-storm I have ever seen envelop a politician.

Anglo-American history is littered with previous examples of politicians who mistakenly believed they could win on the back of their opponents' unpopularity.

Courage is the greatest of all political virtues, because without it nothing else can be achieved.

Iran accuses BBC of being arm of MI6

The feelings of the Bitchy Boys Club must be wounded. Imagine someone thinking they would ever do anything to advance British interests!

Trouble is, the Iranians ain't Arabs.

The horror, the horror

Remember the press hyperbole about 'Blair's Babes'? This dowdy crew was supposed to represent a break with the fusty men's club traditions of the House of Commons.

Haven't they done well? Gosh, just think what a low opinion of our elected representatives we might have had without that blast of stale oestrogen!

20 February 2010


NuLabour's achievements

A post at Old Holborn that deserves to go viral. Here's my adaptation:

  1. Trans-generational debt: the regime is borrowing more and faster - as a proportion of GNP - as the state did to cover the cost of World War II, a debt which was not paid off until 2005; it has increased state spending by 11 percent of GNP since 1997, which is exactly the size of the internationally recognised structural deficit in British state finances; the regime has already inflicted £22,500 of debt on every child born in Britain for the foreseeable future, and is adding to it every day.
  2. Surrender of sovereignty: promised referendum on the Lisbon Treaty refused; approximately 70 percent of all British laws originate in the unelected and unaccountable European Commission.
  3. Electoral fraud: ballot boxes stuffed; extension and gross abuse of the postal ballot; voter registers tampered with; constituency boundaries gerrymandered.
  4. Police statism:the police now wear black; crime statistics manipulated; police kill innocent people with impunity; abolition of habeas corpus - citizens can be imprisoned for 42 days without being arraigned; Parliament invaded by agents of the executive for the first time since Charles I; torture condoned; criminalisation of misdemeanours; no right to photograph the police.
  5. Surveillance: children monitored at school by commisars, their behaviour logged on a state database for life; national DNA, iris scan and biometrics database; 4 million CCTV cameras; breach of arbitrarily imposed ASBOs constitutes criminal behaviour; emails and telephone conversations recorded.
  6. Freedom of speech: criticism of minority cultures criminalised; media (largely self-) emasculated; right to peaceful protest curtailed; curfews imposed on entire communities; libel laws used to infringe freedom of speech in other countries; legal injunctions permit the well-connected to prevent inconvenient truth being published (e.g. the adulterer Andrew Marr, Nu Labour's point man in the BBC); Freedom of Information Act severely curtailed.
  7. Economic suffocation: 111 tax rises and the longest national tax code in the world; £100 billion taken from private British pension funds to pay the agents of the state; fall from fourth to thirteenth in world competitiveness ranking; business taxes raised from among the lowest to among the highest in Europe.
  8. Collapse of social cohesion: violent crime up 70 percent; gun crime up 57 percent; highest proportion of children living in single-parent households in Europe; highest proportion of children living in workless households in Europe (five million people on unemployed benefits); lowest level of social mobility in the developed world.
  9. Public health: cancer survival rates among the worst in Europe; fatal hospital-acquired infections the worst in Europe; no screening of immigrants for communicable diseases leading to a significant increase in the incidence of AIDS and tuberculosis.
  10. Education: collapse from 8th to 24th in the world education rankings of maths; collapse from 7th to 17th in the rankings of literacy; fifteen percent of the adult population functionally illiterate; national education standards (GCSE and A-levels) debauched.
  11. Defence: deliberate under-funding by Brown (in order to expose Blair's grandiosity) contributing to abject defeat in Iraq and a failure to achieve any of the strategic objectives in Afghanistan; absurdity of 'punching above Britain's weight' mercilessly exposed.
  12. Political amorality: culture of government secrecy used primarily to conceal corruption and incompetence; criminal (for anybody else) abuse of expenses and other privileges by members of parliament exposed; the most powerful men in the ruling regime are a dry-drunk with a history of psychotic breakdown and someone who was - twice - forced to resign for financial impropriety; when top bureaucrats and ministers retire they go straight into lucrative sinecures with companies to which they steered contracts when in office.
The NuLabour regime had its mandate renewed twice and thirty percent of the electorate wants more of the same. The cowed opposition parties promise only to fiddle at the margins.

If anyone can identify any reason for optimism, I would be most grateful if they could share it with me.

Something else crawls out of the woodwork

It seems the politicians who visit the war-zones award themselves medals.

There does not seem to be any limit to the shamelessness of this scum.

Petitions may have a bit more traction with an election imminent, so here is one for this contemptible practice to cease.

19 February 2010

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

Could someone please explain why it is such a big deal that an avowed terrorist was blown away?

The Bitchy Boys Club has been having hysterics ever since this turd got flushed.

It's a war - people get killed. This one deserved it far more than most.

If only it were true . . .

. . . I would vote for the Tories.

The Daily Tedium reports the following rather well-crafted attack by Cyclops on the 'progressive' NuConservatives.

Just a thought, but after twelve years of NuLabour fire-hosing money at the Apparat, is it remotely conceivable that it could become 'smarter and more personalised'?

''Instead of admitting the mistakes of private banks and institutions in causing the recession, the well-financed right-wing are not only trying to blame governments for the crisis but trying to use legitimate concerns about deficits to scare people into accepting a bleak and austere picture of the future for the majority, and then to use what's happening as a pretext for public services to be marginalised at precisely the moment they should become smarter and more personalised.

''They are using the talk of action on debt to conceal the hard fact that their real position is that they remain wedded, as they have always been, to an ideology that would always make government the problem and deny people the helping hand that government can be.''

Joe Stack: socialist martyr

A white middle-class software engineer has done a kamikaze into a Texas federal tax office. His parting thoughts end with the following:

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

The Brit left's New Statesman celebrated 9/11 as an attack on capitalism, even though the attackers were right-wing extremists.

One awaits with bated breath the New Statesman's reaction to an act of self-immolation by a man who, at the end of his life, fully espoused the core beliefs of its dwindling readership.

18 February 2010

'The Many not The Few'

The Labour pukes have just come up with the above slogan. Never in the field of human politics . . .

Primates threatened with extinction

Half the planet's primates are threatened with extinction, bleated the Britpress as one today. Habitat loss due to peasants cutting down forests is mainly to blame, says a report by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and 'other conservation and research groups'.

Oooh! No agenda there, fershur. Just the same dispassionate science that gave us man-made global warming. Since habitat destruction has been going on for a long time, we must have lost quite a few already. Right?

Wrong. Of the 4,428 known mammal species (Red List 2004), only three mammals (no primates) have gone extinct in the last 500 years: the Bluebuck in South Africa, the Algerian gazelle, and the much-missed Omilteme cottontail rabbit in Mexico. All hunted to extinction.

The only primate threatened with extinction is the sapiens bit of Homo sapiens.

Real action on global warming

When the US Environmental Protection Agency, in a classic example of bureaucratic over-reach, declared carbon dioxide to be a pollutant, it opened the door to a lawsuit that promises to bring the whole global warming scam down.

As the link explains, the data the catastrophists have been hiding will be subject to subpoena, and the nakedness of the emperor fully revealed.

Since the whole phenomenon started in the States, in time the EU may take notice, and only then will the great Brit mediocracy reluctantly change what it likes to call its mind.

Elusive Libertarians

An intriguing bit of statistical analysis at the NRO site identifies the core problem of libertarianism. It is a great, nay a wonderful tree from which to snipe, but it is doomed - I would argue designed - to evade the hard questions.

Being above the fray simply means someone else will win the battle - and eventually, if you annoy them enough, cut down your tree and let their enraged infantry take revenge on you.


Over at the ASI blog, Tom Bowman laments the daily bombardment of government propaganda. The state apparat admits to having increased spending - or as Bowman puts it 'government spending on advertising and marketing has risen' - by nearly 40 percent in the last year, to £253m.

'Has risen' - hmm. I used to think that the ability to use of the reflexive, as in 'the glass broke itself', underlay Latin fecklessness. Now I realize that the fecklessness comes first, and the reflexive serves to cushion people from facing the truth.

'This stuff is simply infuriating',
Bowman continues. 'I don't want to be bombarded by messages from our crypto-fascist overlords while I'm trying to relax and have a good time. Nor do I want them wasting my money on a pointless exercise in Soviet-style self-promotion.'

Although I fully share Bowman's irritation, he misses the point: the medium is the message. The 'New Labour Project' was always about buying the support of the creative media, starting from a very strong base in the statist BBC and Channel Four. Under this administration, statist patronage has meant the difference between bankruptcy and prosperity for production companies, PR firms and, of course, the Guardian, which the apparat has given a virtual monopoly on state employment advertising.

The purpose of the apparat is therefore served even if it pays some favoured PR firm to produce an ad warning us to 'Beware the frumious bandersnatch'. The aim is to co-opt the producers - the message is simply an excuse.

Failure to understand this underlies the bleating powerlessness of the rest of the animals in the face of the shameless corruption and the evidently totalitarian ambition of the pigs.

17 February 2010

International Pack of Climate Crooks

The eponymous PDF is rather too polite, but it's the first I have seen that emphasizes how long this landslide of bull-shit has been building.

Hem, hem; I wrote a book titled Eeek!-o-Freakery in 1994 - couldn't even interest Regnery in it.

16 February 2010

An Obesogenic Environment

Seems 80 percent of nominally male Brits will be obese by 2020.

That's what's supposed to happen to capons. Well done the Welfare State!

Sex lives of British voters

The Daily Tedium has published a survey of the sex lives of British people according to their political affiliation.

One category notably missing was 'wankers', but possibly that's because the return would be in the region of 100 percent.

15 February 2010

Your police are marvellous . . .

Remember when that was an American tourist cliché?

Haven't heard it recently. I wonder why?

Déja vu all over again

So what if Diageo pulls out and 6,000 people lose their jobs? There are tons of high-paying jobs available in the public sector -- just look at the Guardian!

14 February 2010

Institutional cowardice

This story, about a fire chief being put on the mat for rescuing a dog, goes so precisely to the heart of what is contemptible about modern British society that comment should be superfluous.


Jared Diamond's take on why some societies prosper and others do not is well worth a read.

Those with a serious interest in economics will find The Bayesian Heresy blog well worth following.

Key global warming figure tells a half-truth!

Among other things, the Mail is deprecated by the limp left Brit petit bourgeoisie for - gasp - denouncing the Labour regime's policy of unlimited immigration in order to increase its clientele. But as the English language daily with the highest circulation after the Times of India, it also pays its journalists well and expects them - double gasp - to actually check things out instead of publishing hand-outs from the civil service, which is the Brit press norm.

An example is this interview with Phil Jones, who stepped down as head of East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit, a key player in the global warming scam, after someone in his outfit leaked the CRU's deeply incriminating email correspondence to the net.

Jones admits there has been no warming since 1995, the period during which global warming hysteria gathered extraordinary momentum. The CRU and the Brit Met Office's Hadley Centre played a key role in feeding the hysteria with, among other contributions, the infamous 'hide the decline' graph relating to tree ring data shown below, adopted by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

So, confessing that there has been no warming since 1995 is, in fact, damage-limitation. Because the full truth is that the CRU has been 'forcing' the data ever since is was set up.

All in all it's just another brick - falling out of the wall.

12 February 2010

The Emperor's Nudity

Richard North, peace be unto him, has nailed yet another Brit global warming dribbler.

The Emperor was always stark naked, you sad sons-of-bitches. The gravy train is derailed.

A dish best eaten cold

Better that some innocent should suffer . . .

A particularly nasty article by the florid Con Coughlin in today's Telegraph argues that national security should trump human rights.

Listen carefully, you silly little man: I have been tortured, and would have confessed to anything to make it stop. As a source of accurate information, torture only works if the subject is asked the same question time and again, without prompting, and by comparing the answers.

But that is standard interrogation technique without torture, and just as effective - over time. Torture substitutes sadism for forensic skill. Its purpose is to degrade.

This is not to deny that the legal definition of torture is much too broad. Psychological duress is not torture (vide plea-bargaining) and should be separately assessed.

I learned the lesson of due process long ago, when travelling in a Havana taxi with my father shortly after Castro's revolution. The driver said how wonderful it was that so many evil men were being shot. My father demurred, saying that executions without proper trials meant that some might not be guilty.

'Better that some innocent should suffer than that the guilty should escape punishment', the driver declared.

'What if they should shoot you?' Dad asked.

'Why would they do that?' the man replied indignantly. 'I haven't done anything.'


Apropos my last-but-one post, amused to see Time magazine's Joe Klein lamenting that the American people do not appreciate the wonderful things their government is doing for them - because they are so worried about what it is going to do to them. See: Too Dumb to Thrive

'It is very difficult to have a democracy without citizens', Klein laments. 'It is impossible to be a citizen if you don't make an effort to understand the most basic activities of your government. It is very difficult to thrive in an increasingly competitive world if you're a nation of dodos.'

So - only those who appreciate government are entitled to be considered citizens. Well, Joe, over here the government has already done previously unimaginable things with uniformly degrading results, and a remarkably high proportion of the electorate wants more of the same.

Does that mean we have a higher proportion of 'citizens' than you?

Puncturing the Global Warming bubble

The Science and Public Policy Institute is a treasure-trove of data on the Global Warming scam. Useful to refute the sheep bleating that there is a 'scientific consensus'.

The main site is here

Michael Crichton's piece on Global Warming as a religion is a keeper.

A people without virtue

In the Telegraph, Jeff Randall summarizes how the Labour regime has debauched the economy and reversed the gains made since they were previously in power.

The regime has also raped the constitution (well, she was asking for it, being all unwritten and all, innit?) and has abolished civil liberties dating back to the Magna Carta - and beyond, if you consider Saxon jurisprudence.

Despite a record of corruption and betrayal that bears comparison only with Lloyd George's last administration, despite embarking on a deeply unpopular war, despite permitting unchecked immigration for purely partisan purposes, despite countless examples of arrogant bureaucratic malfeasance and incompetence, the regime's mandate has been twice renewed.

The regime's success has so cowed the main opposition party that it only dares to quibble about details. And the regime still commands the support of over thirty percent of the electorate.

If it is true that people get the government they deserve, the British are a pretty pathetic bunch.

11 February 2010

Why does Gordon Brown have only one eye?

So that he shall not see more than he can understand.

BTW - I found this pic on Google Images, uncompromisingly labelled 'Turd'.

Bad Ass

A couple was out hunting in the West when a mountain lion decided to attack their dogs. Sadly for the cougar, the couple not only had a camera but also a bad-tempered mule.

The Marmot Review

This is the sort of crap that the statist quangocracy has been churning out for the last twelve years. It even opens with a quote from the Nobel Prize-winning Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, a communist who spent his prize money to buy a bijou country residence - outside Paris.

If the 'starting point' is that the organization of society is a more important determinant of health than bad genes, parenting and life-style, then there was no point in writing this review, was there?

'These serious health inequalities do not arise by chance, and they cannot be attributed simply to genetic makeup, ‘bad’, unhealthy behaviour, or difficulties in access to medical care, important as those factors may be. Social and economic differences in health status reflect, and are caused by, social and economic inequalities in society.'

The starting point for this Review is that health inequalities that are preventable by reasonable means are unfair. Putting them right is a matter of social justice. A debate about how to close the health gap has to be a debate about what sort of society people want.

If you can be bothered, the rest of this masterpiece is here.

Rip Van Winkle

The Telegraph today reports that J.P. Morgan think 'Britain's economy is now in a comparable state to the 1970s,' and that in many ways 'the UK’s fiscal position is currently worse than observed around the IMF loan in 1976.' Government debt, in proportion to the size of the economy, is higher now than it was then.

I left Britain in 1979 and missed the alleged 'Thatcher Revolution'. When I returned in 1999, I was sad to find that the basic, spiteful and cowardly nature of British political culture had not changed at all. Everything that has followed is the inevitable consequence. 'A people without virtue cannot long be free'. In ten years I have witnessed liberties that it took hundreds of years to win being frittered away by the mediocracy, while the public does not give a damn.

In the 1970s Britain was the 'sick man of Europe,' its international pretensions a source of embarrassment to those of us representing our country abroad. Plus ça change. Milliband has become the worthy heir to the last Foreign Secretary of the Callaghan regime, David Owen, accurately described as a nasenbohrer (nose-picker) by German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

Thomas Sowell

Sowell is always worth reading - his trilogy on culture should be on every libertarian bookshelf. He also has the inestimable advantage of being black, so the statist pukes can only accuse him of being an 'Uncle Tom'. After all, a white, fully consciousness-raised and paid up member of the annointed must know what being black involves better than he.


10 February 2010

Boy Band Leader

Man-made global warming

'In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie . . . It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.'

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf